Thursday, December 15, 2011

Best Music Colleges to Attend...

Berklee College of MusicBasically, Berklee is what you put into it. Being a hard-working, talented, and creative musician, as well as knowing how the Music industry works, is what will make you a successful musician.

The Juilliard School of MusicLocated in New York, Juilliard School was founded in 1905, and has an approximate 6% acceptance rate. Although Julliard has a great Academic program, it is often said that the teachers are fairly inaccessible, and getting support is often very difficult. But if you are interested in attending a music college, this would be the college for!

Mannes College: The New School For MusicFounded in 1916, Mannes College The New School for Music trains and nurtures classical musicians of all ages. Mannes College puts a massive focus on classical music. They have been open for the last 93 years...making them...about half as old as Dumbledore.

These are the 3 top music colleges in the world. It's possible that they may not be entirely suitable for many Alternative Artists when it comes to the creativity, but when it comes to getting that advanced Foundation of knowledge, these are the places you should be going.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Top Ten Essay Tips

   10.Start early and budget your time. But starting early can mean simply thinking through and budgeting your time. If there is reading and research involved, then the sooner the better.
9.Clearly understanding the assignment. If the paper topic is assigned, it is important to clearly understand the assignment. Analyze the topic word by word to understand the requirements and scope of work. You might want to underline key words in the assignment and think about how they relate to the reading 
8.Organize your research materials and your thoughts. Not only do you have to read the materials but also you have to clearly organize the information that you are using from other sources. Start by highlighting key points and making notes of these points. As you gather these materials your thoughts should solidify.
7.Learn by Example. If you are confused about writing essays or how to approach the subject matter look for examples. Read other essays to help you understand how to organize and present the information. Look at how the author introduces the topic, develops the idea and provides a clear conclusion. Is there a logical approach to the paper? Does it flow like a conversation or a good lecture? How does the writer make the topic interesting? 
6. Don't Plagiarize. Keep track of any quotes or citations. Do not copy other people's work in any way without the proper citations. Do not simply take someone else's work and change a few words around.
5. Write a quick draft all the way through. Don’t worry too much about the introduction or conclusion. Focus on getting your ideas on paper. Double check to be sure that you get all the material on the page in some form. Write in your own voice, as you would talk to a friend. Write this knowing that you will have time to review and rewrite. If you are prone to rambling or poor grammar, you will need the time to review and rewrite.
4. Write multiple drafts. Think about whether you need to rearrange the structure. If you are an experienced writer you may be able to skip a step here. If you reorganize by cut and paste, be sure to integrate the merged sentences to flow. And look at the overall flow of ideas and words. 
3. Clarity of thoughts and economy of words. Writing concisely and clearly forces you to think more clearly. Since language is a tool to express thought, sloppy use of language may imply sloppy thinking. To make every word count, write active sentences with active verbs. But at the same time communicate with a consistent tone. Look-up words that you are unsure about so that you don’t undermine your paper with one glaringly wrong word. 
2. Format and Presentation Count. If you are unsure of your school's standards for essays you should get a copy of the guidelines and review them. It would be a shame to get a lower grade for having improper margins or footnote styles. Use a word processor and spell check the work. Print it out on paper and then check it again the next day. You may be amazed at how many mistake you might find even after you thought the work was edited. 
1. Think Differently (to paraphrase Apple's marketing wizards). Spend time with the topic and the research. Do you have an angle on the subject that differs from the professor and sources you have read? Will the professor give you leeway to come-up with your own take on the assignment. But more importantly you must know yourself. Find the things that interest you and find your voice. If you have a unique take on the material you might want to run your ideas past the professor. Original thinking is not as easy as it might seem. As a student you may think you have a new idea that is actually not at all original. Sometimes comparing two ideas leads to a new way of thinking that outside the box.

Photo Journalism

Above is a picture of a Japanese tattoo that symbolizes a sign a freedom and breaking free from a form of danger.
Above is a picture of a sign or symbol of religion and the heart in the middle shows their love for this specific religion which be many.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Today in the World....

Wednesday November 16, 2011

Ten facts about today:

80 Cats Removed From Mira Mesa Woman's Home

Investigators with the San Diego County Department of Animal Services have removed 80 cats from a Mira Mesa woman's home.

Can This Strange African Fruit Really Make You Thin?

Move Over Weight Watchers, an exotic super fruit called 'African Mango' is quickly becoming America's hottest new way to lose weight.

SeaWorld trainers: Working with killer whales is a calculated risk

Sanford, Florida (CNN) -- SeaWorld employees on Tuesday testified at a federal job safety hearing that, while the behavior of killer whales is is extremely predictable, the job of working with a 6-ton marine mammal carries a calculated risk.

Assistant coach made sure assault stopped, went to police, he says in e-mail

State College, Pennsylvania (CNN) -- A Penn State assistant football coach, who has been criticized for not doing more in an alleged rape of a boy by former coach Jerry Sandusky, said in an e-mail that he helped stop the assault and talked with police about it,The Morning Call newspaper reported.

Suspected tornadoes, storms cause damage in Louisiana, Mississippi

(CNN) -- Severe weather including suspected tornadoes swept through parts of Louisiana and Mississippi early Wednesday, causing some structural damage, officials said.

Mom faults authorities in suicide of daughter who tweeted about abuse

(CNN) -- The mother of a Texas teen who killed herself after reportedly sending more than 140 tweets detailing years of sexual abuse spoke out on Tuesday, faulting law enforcement for failing her daughter.

Duke's Krzyzewski breaks record for wins in men's college basketball

(CNN) -- Duke men's basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski, affectionately known by fans and players as "Coach K," surpassed the all-time record for wins in men's college basketball with a victory Tuesday night against Michigan State at New York's Madison Square Garden.

U.S. makes case against Alabama's immigration law

ATLANTA (CNN) -- Alabama's immigration law is unconstitutional and aims to threaten "the most basic human needs," the U.S. Department of Justice said in a court filing.

Solyndra was asked to delay announcing layoffs until after 2010 vote

Washington (CNN) -- The Department of Energy last year urged struggling solar energy company Solyndra to delay announcing planned layoffs until after the November 2010 elections, according to information made public Tuesday by Republican congressional investigators.

U.S., Australia announce greater military cooperation

Canberra, Australia (CNN) -- The United States announced an agreement with Australia Wednesday that will expand military cooperation between the long-time allies and boost America's presence in the region.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dr. Murray says Michael Jackson deceived him

Michael Jackson's last words were a plea for more propofol, "because that was the only thing" that would put him to sleep, Dr. Conrad Murray said in an interview aired on NBC's "Today" show Thursday.
Days after Murray declined to testify in his own defense at his involuntary manslaughter trial, he granted an interview with NBC, the same broadcast company that bought a documentary about Murray and Jackson.
NBC has not revealed any financial terms of its deal to secure the exclusive interview with Jackson's doctor, which it said was recorded in the "waning days of the case," despite a judge's order to Murray that he not speak to reporters.
Murray told NBC that he had no regrets about meeting Jackson two years before his death.I only wish that maybe in our dealings with each other he was more forthcoming and honest to tell me things about himself," he said.
Jackson, who hired Murray to be his personal physician as he prepared for his comeback tour, lied to him, Murray said.
"Well, certainly he was deceptive by not sharing with me his whole medical history, doctors he was seeing, treatment that he might have been receiving," he said.
He denied knowing that Jackson had an addiction problem, which his defense lawyers said contributed to the pop star's death. "Absolutely not," he said. "I did not have a clue."
The Los Angeles County coroner ruled that Jackson's June 25, 2009, death was caused by an overdose of the surgical anesthetic propofol combined with two sedatives.
A jury concluded that Murray was criminally responsible for the death, which prosecutors argued was caused by the doctor's reckless use of propofol in his home to treat the singer's insomnia.
In hindsight, Murray said, he knows that he should have refused the job when he realized Jackson was demanding propofol infusions every night. "But if I had walked away, I would have abandoned a friend," he said.
He repeated what he told detectives two days after Jackson's death: He was trying to wean him off propofol in his final days.
"Three days towards his death, he was weaned off and I was extremely happy because I had finally achieved the state I wanted," Murray said. "The state was Michael away from propofol."
His last morning, he said, Jackson was "a desperate man, desperate."
The NBC interview asked about the last thing Murray heard Jackson say.
"It was probably when he was pleading and begging me to please, please let him have some 'milk,' because that was the only thing that would work," he said. Jackson's nickname for propofol was "milk," according to trial testimony.
Murray explained a mystery that arose during his trial: the audio recording of Jackson using slurred speech that investigators found on the doctor's iPhone.
"It was incidentally recorded," Murray said. "It was an accident." He insisted he did not realize the recording existed until he heard it in the prosecutor's opening presentation at the trial.
Jackson was under the influence of propofol at the time, he said.
More segments of the NBC interview will be broadcast Friday morning, including Murray's explanation for why he delayed calling 911 and why he did not tell paramedics and emergency room doctors that he had given Jackson propofol the day he died, the network said.